Tuesday, October 11, 2011

For The Ones Left Behind.......

Yesterday's early evening restlessness had me and my camera off to see what I could find and venturing into our city's cemetery.  Not a seemingly very cheery place to visit, but I had hoped to capture some sunlight filtering through the beautiful trees that are still as of yet holding onto their autumn colours.

Unfortunately the sun decided to hide behind clouds for the duration of my visit, but I walked about anyway - enjoying the trees, the quietness save for the rustle of leaves as squirrels scampered about,  and flowers everywhere - left in tribute to those who have already left this earth.

Old tombstones, new ones, religious statues, stairways leading to plaques.  A very somber place to be, and my heart was gripped with sadness as I gazed at all those stones - knowing the grief of the many attempting to cope with the emptiness left by the departed. 

I walked, grieved inwardly and prayed that God would bring a measure of healing to all those hurting hearts, that He would give each person exactly what they needed to get through their days.

If today, you are grieving for a loved one lost, then may the Lord Jesus bless you with all that you require - my prayer for you.  He loves you deeply, far more than you can ever imagine and He will hold you in the palm of His hands, from now unto eternity.


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