Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blank Puzzle Pieces

My first ever blog.  At the ripe age of 52, I've decided to try out this form of communication, share my thoughts and my photos.

Confession time, admittedly I am not a writer, but since the words are clattering about in my head, I thought I would simply put some 'form' to them.   As a photographer, I fare a little better, although still only as an amateur, but my love of this creative process is what keeps me going when life is all about throwing curve balls in my direction.

I've posted this photo of blank puzzle pieces in an effort to show what the inside of my brain looks like.  Yup, I said it - I'm particularly empty at the moment.  Life is a blank slate, waiting for me to fit it all together and create hope being that what I create will be a blessing not only to others, but also fulfilling for my own self.

Today - I've created a blog.  Will anyone read it?  Well, I dont' really know.  But I shall continue to post regardless and perhaps in the doing, I shall fill all those blank puzzle pieces with beautiful pictures.

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