Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This is the day...........

'This is the day the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.' 
In my own way, I did just that yesterday.  I rejoiced in the day.  A trip to the lake shore, despite frosty temperatures and a breeze that threatened to freeze my fingers straight onto my camera, brought me much joy.
As I walked along the snow covered shore, I dreamt of warm breezes, palm trees, and a deck chair to lounge upon.  Yet here, in the snow covered landscape, peace also resided. 
My first stop brought me to a very large gathering of geese and swans.  Such a delight to see.  Although I could not get these beauties to flap their wings, they did parade in front of me, begging to have their picture taken, so I obliged them.  After a very long photo shoot, the swans were ready for a rest, so I travelled along to another spot to attempt to capture the sunset. 
Days such as this one, with the sun shining as a promise of spring yet to come,  make me yearn to inhale all the life that God has put forth onto this earth.  Theologian Alan Jones is quoted as saying, "There is a self within each one of us aching to be born."   I believe there is a power surge happening deep inside of me, a longing to truly live.  Live the way that God intended. 
Often I am like a turtle, I poke my head out, sniff the air, check everything out, and at the slightest sign of possible threat, I slip back into my shell, hiding, attempting to keep myself safe.    If I would but remember that it is God's job to protect me, not me protecting myself,  I would have many more days of 'living' and enjoying and rejoicing in all that life has to offer.  Self-protection takes a lot of work, requires much diligence and is utterly exhausting, leaving one not much time in between to simply relax and enjoy.  God did not intend for me to live 'sporadically' - He intended for me to live 'every' day.
At the end of the day, I reflect and come to this conclusion.  Since God created me, delights in me, and loves me, obviously He will protect me.   I can let go of my constant vigilence and enjoy all the blessings that He has given me.

As in all things, it is one step at a time.

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